Children’s details can be entered onto our waiting list from the age of 1 year together with the date of registration to ensure places are allocated fairly and in strict date order.
In the term before your child is due to start, we will contact you to arrange a visit where you will have the opportunity to look through our information, meet staff and ask any questions you may have. Your child will also have the opportunity to join in play. This is an important time for us to share information with each other. For children who have additional needs or disabilities it is vital that we work together to ensure we have all the information we need to support that child.
A free trial session will then be arranged for your child and only when you and your child are completely happy we will arrange a start date.
You will be given a ‘Welcome Pack’ which contains an enrolment form, medical form, fee list and letter confirming the sessions offered to you. If you wish to accept this place, you are asked to return a £20. registration fee (this is non refundable) which will guarantee your Child’s place. Funded children do not have to pay the registration fee. A free trial session will be arranged for your children and only when you and your child are completely happy will we arrange a start date.
We do have a 4-week settling-in period where we ask that parents/carers are prepared to stay on site if necessary. However, we also feel that the sooner parents are able to leave their child, the earlier they will start to build relationships with staff and peers. Every child is different, and we work together with parents to ensure a smooth settling in time for each child. It can be very hard parting with a crying child at the door but please be assured we would always telephone you if your child did not settle and we felt it would be in the Child’s best interest to have a parent stay with them. The last thing we would want is for your child not to look forward to coming back! After this 4-week settling in period you are then obligated to give us the required 6 weeks written term time notice to withdraw a place.
Tinytoons Pre-school
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